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European and Asian Business Management

Commencement and Orientation 2023

Commencement and Orientation of the UZH European and Asian Business Management ❘ University of Zurich Master Program (EABM).
The opening phase of the #MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) program (EABM) has gracefully begun, marked by the arrival and integration of our first batch of international master candidates. Today, these early arrivals convened at the Orientation Day, hosted at the University of Zurich's main campus.

Over the course of the upcoming week, preceding the commencement of our academic studies, our focus will be on providing a comprehensive introduction. This introduction will encompass a range of crucial subjects, including #career development, personal #branding, communication skills, and #mentorship.
The EABM, recognized as the premier institution within the UZH Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, specializes in the field of #intercultural business management, with a specific emphasis on facilitating connections between Europe and #Asia.

We extend a warm and hearty welcome to our diverse and international cohort of young professionals embarking on the EABM master program 23/25.
These ambitious individuals will not only engage in academic study but will also partake in paid #internship assignments, either within the vibrant landscape of Greater Zurich Area or across the dynamic regions of Asia.
Follow us on Linkedin and see how the EABM master program engaging young professionals with the #internationalbusiness.